沙漏不倒翁 - 小屋

1. TTLS TLS MD5 TNC的关系 TTLS包括两部分,前半部分是TLS,后半部分可以嵌入其他EAP方法。

TLS提供客户端认证服务器证书(或互相认证)的方法,而TLS交换的就是证书,利用 证书交换会话密钥,从而建立加密信道,增强之后的EAP-MD5等嵌入式协议。

EAP-MD5这种协议,本身是和EAP-TTLS EAP-TLS同一级别的,只是EAP-TTLS这个会话可以 提出多个会话(不会支持)嵌入在一个加密会话中进行的功能,这就是TLS和TTLS的区别, TLS仅仅是TTLS的前半部分,用于证书验证,单纯的EAP-TLS就只做TTLS前半部分的事情。

In EAP-TLS, a TLS handshake is used to mutually authenticate a client
   and server.  EAP-TTLS extends this authentication negotiation by
   using the secure connection established by the TLS handshake to
   exchange additional information between client and server.  In EAP-
   TTLS, the TLS authentication may be mutual; or it may be one-way, in
   which only the server is authenticated to the client.  The secure
   connection established by the handshake may then be used to allow the
   server to authenticate the client using existing, widely deployed
   authentication infrastructures.  The authentication of the client may
   itself be EAP, or it may be another authentication protocol such as

2.ca.pem 是CA的证书,不是客户端,也不是服务端

 As part of the TLS handshake protocol, the TTLS server will send its
   certificate along with a chain of certificates leading to the
   certificate of a trusted CA.  The client will need to be configured
   with the certificate of the trusted CA in order to perform the

TLS的过程,实际上是服务器端利用CA给的证书(服务器的)向客户端证明自己的过程,在TNC中,ca其实就是服务器自己,只是为了完成协议才这么做。服务器除了ca.pem 之外,当然会有ca的私钥去签证书,客户端则只需要ca.pem CA的公钥去验证服务器的证书。 下面这段话:

TLS is used to authenticate the TTLS server to the
   client and, optionally, the client to the TTLS server.  


3. 下一步

完成第一步(2)之后,信道就建立起来,所谓的信道,其实是利用TLS交换的证书发起会话密钥交换,之后加密进行下一步MD5 TNC信息的加密封装。换句话说,MD5 TNC这些独立的协议,本身可以裸着当做一个会话协议去做,级别和TTLS一样,但是是明文的,MD5便会受字典攻击,TNC自不必说。


这里又扯到为什么客户端不需要发自己的证书让服务器证明客户端的身份了。可以看到至少会话密钥的交换是不需要服务器知道客户端的公钥的,这是其一。 其二,在TNC框架下,验证客户端身份是靠MD5和TNC,而不是靠证书,所以可以省略,当然在一些场合如果需要,那么就得选择一个完美的CA去做证书分发了,反正这里不需要。


   EAP-TTLS specifies how user authentication may be performed during
   phase 2.  The user authentication may itself be EAP, or it may be a
   legacy protocol such as PAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP, or MS-CHAP-V2.  Phase 2
   user authentication may not always be necessary, since the user may
   already have been authenticated via the mutual authentication option
   of the TLS handshake protocol.


主题来自 Ruchee